Welcome to my colorful mind!

My name is Mel.
I like to make cute things.
Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
You can find everything you need to know about PonyBot, here! <3 Feel free to look around!


Shop Update Live!


My name is Mel.
I am a seamstress, designer, and plush maker out of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I was born and raised in rural Southeast Missouri.
From a young age, I had an obsession with how things were made. That obsession fostered a fascination with clothing, sewing machines, embroidery and other fabric related things.Like most people, I had my favorite fandoms. Big ones included My Little Pony, Transformers, Power Rangers, Godzilla, and Jurassic park! But most of the fandoms I love today were introduced to me at a later age. We only had one screen in our movie theatre afterall!When I entered college, I bounced around, trying to find what spoke to me as a major. I settled in on Fashion Merchandising for a while, but because of life events and mental health struggles, I ended up dropping out of college...until I came to Tulsa with my lovely partner. That's when I found Clary Sage.While my time at Clary Sage wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, I developed skills extremely quick and I was able to completely bury myself in my love for fabric and creating! I was also introduced to my first embroidery machine, while at school and I knew I had to have one. So, I bought one. From there, I discovered plushies and free online patterns (CholyKnight is a really good place to start). A lot of these free patterns had embroidery files with them, and man, did it click.I absolutely love making plushies and I plan to begin designing my own. The process is actually really similar to designing clothes!That being said...
My prices will always be fair but not free. I have to pay for fabric and notions, while also keeping a little money for my time.
Peck around! Follow me on social media! Send me an email, even if just to chat! I'm here to have fun and make cute things! <3


You can obviously DM me on almost any social media. But the quickest way to get ahold of me would be through email - ponybotdesigns@gmail.com
The form below.


Q: Do you do commissions?
A: At the moment, I do not. But as soon as I have my embroidery software, I will be taking custom commissions for small plushies.
Q: What type of fabric do you use?
A: I use all fleece. I like the availability, and the ease of use. Using fleece has allowed me to keep my prices reasonable, but the plushies high quality and very snuggly.
__________Q: What about allergies (smoke, cats, etc)
A: I have two beautiful cats that kinda go whereever they want. So, if you have severe cat allergies, and a piece of hair could cause those to go nuts, I would avoid buying products here.
There are smokers that live in my house, but those smokers do not smoke in the craft room. I do everything within my power to keep all fabric, shipping supplies and storage boxes away from smokers.
___________Q: Do you have a shop?
A: Yes! I will have a shop. I am currently in the process of setting up the rest of my Ko-Fi account, so that I can do small shop updates and pop up's there. If you don't want a plush, but you want to support my work, you can also leave a tip/donation through Ko-Fi!
____________Q: What sewing machine/embroidery machine do you use?
A: My sewing machine depends on the day. I collect them and I have around 13 now lol.
But primarily I use a Juki DDL-8100E Industrial Sewing Machine.
My embroidery machine is a Brother PE800._____________Q: How did you learn to make plushies?
A: I have a degree in fashion design and I have been obsessed with sewing for a very long time. While dealing with burnout, I discovered cholyknight.com and her free patterns. From there, I discovered paid patterns and so on. It was basically a rabbit hole that turned into a very fulfilling hobby/business.
________________Q: Can I draw your logo/the PonyBot?
A: Absolutely! I would love you for it and I am willing to start a highlight section on my instagram and possibly a "fanart" type section here! I love seeing others takes on my logo.
In fact, the official logo was created by an artist named Micah Souza. You can find him on instagram: @michasouzaphoto
__________________If your question isn't here, please contact me and ask directly. I will do everything I can to get back to you within 24-48 hours.
or fill out the contact form by clicking "contact".

There's nothing here yet but this space will be where I give my updates, behind the scenes and day to day life things. I figure if you've clicked here, you're somewhat interested in those things!
One of the big things that will be here is my day to day at Tokyo, OK, including photo ops taken at my table. So, that's fun!

Current Convention/Market/Event Schedule

Anipop Artist Bazaar - Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
March 30, 2024
Diversions Crafting Studio
Tokyo, Ok - Tulsa Oklahoma
July 12-14, 2024
Marriott Tulsa Southern Hills Hotel